What to Expect from Band Class

Want to be the next Beatles or 21 Pilots (seriously why are there so many pilots? That’s too many.)

Welcome to the Kailua Music School Band Rock Band Program!

This program, taught by industry professionals, is aimed at preparing kids and teens to be a part of a performing and recording band.

There are lifelong benefits and lessons to be learned from being involved in music, and especially, bands

Five Benefits of Playing in A Band

Becoming a member of a band or music ensemble can seem overwhelming. Potential distractions abound and there is less one-on-one time between student and teacher. If you are comfortable in private lessons, you may ask “why add something new and stressful?” The truth is, playing music in a group offers many benefits that you can’t get by yourself. Here are a few:

Joining a band with peers who are at a similar age and level can be exciting and fun. Having other people to play with can relieve stage fright and drown-out any musical imperfections. You don’t have to worry about missing a note when everyone else can keep the tempo moving for you. Playing in a group boosts confidence and helps to make practice and learning enjoyable.

Community is just as crucial for children as it is for adults. Being a part of a group with individuals that share similar interests will help build and strengthen a connection to other people. Becoming part of a musical ensemble will help you find unexpected friends. Typically, friendships made while working in groups are built on support and camaraderie. People who feel that they have supportive friends are most capable of making it through hardships.

Most students, young and old, find it challenging to go from working alone to working in a team. Often, it is difficult to immediately sync with other people’s musical skills. Playing music in a group, however, helps to develop synchronization. To maintain the beautiful sound of music, bandmates and fellow students will work hard to play in tune and on time. Individual students soon begin to realize that they can make better music together instead of separately. Team members learn to work through differences and mistakes and help each other grow.

Playing in a group is great motivation for prospective musicians to learn quickly and practice consistently. After all, you’ll want to sound good when the time comes to play in front of a crowd or your friends. Some higher-level music groups even require placement auditions. This not only inspires better performance, but it also builds a competitive spirit. While too much competition ruins teamwork, a healthy sense of it pushes everyone to work harder.

More than learning new skills, playing in a group offers lifelong benefits. In the big picture, you are creating memories with your group and learning life skills. Skills you can apply to a professional career or use in your free time. So, whether you end up creating a band or choose to join an ensemble, playing in a group will be a rewarding experience.

Band Class Program by design...

The Kailua Music School program is designed to get groups of like minded, like aged, similarly skilled and similarly driven kids into a performing, recording rock/pop/alternative/reggae/ska/metal band. We provide the training, the mentorship and opportunities for the kids.

Sounds like a laundry list of things that need to line up for a band to work, right? It is.

The first thing to know when you are coming into the KMS band program, is to know that no band, especially kids, will sound like the Beatles or 21 Pilots overnight. It takes months and months of training, group work, dedicated individual home practice, patience and commitment to become a strong-sounding band.

It is also one of the most rewarding things for your child to be a part of.

To Learn More About Us

Visit our Mission page. Go to our Contact Us page for more ways to keep in touch with us and for links to our social media content. To see categories for what type of instruments we teach at Kailua Music School, start at our Classes page for private and group classes available. Check on upcoming student or coach shows and events at our Events page. Availability for our seasonal band classes are limited and change throughout the year. Upcoming Summer Program 2023 classes start in June and are currently posted on our Season Program page.

You can read Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page!


Group Classes

Q: My child loves Bohemian Rhapsody, can we do that song?

A: As in any group setting, we have to go with a group consencus on what songs to choose to learn. We also have the added factor of having to choose songs that are suitable for the skill level of the students in the band. The kids will be set up for frustration if we choose something complicated, when the level we are at is working to master a three chord pop song.

Learn More About Group Classes here

Q: Is patience part of rock n roll?

A: Patience is an integral aspect of band class. At a professional rehearsal, there will be times when you must be patient while bandmate’s work on their part. Patience will pay off in huge dividends when it translates to performance and recording. I can’t tell you how many hours are spent waiting and chilling while, say, the drummer and bass player run a tricky part over and over again to land it with precision.

Yes, we strive for our kids to progress similarly. But, progress shifts over time. Some will work hard on their own time and progress faster than others.

If we find a student is practicing harder and progressing faster than others, we may make changes. This is not a reflection, but an opportunity that will improve their experience.

Dedication, motivation, and practice all factor.

Learn More About Our Seasonal Programs and Band Camps

Master your instruments with us. See available private classes here

Q: My child's band was amazing at Kai-Chella yesterday. Will they be playing a new song tomorrow?

A: Depending on the age and skill level of the band, the difficulty of the songs being chosen and the dedication to team work by the band members, new songs can be learned quickly or can take several months.

If your child’s band performed in the last Kai-Chella concert, but is not slated to do the next, chances are we are working on getting new songs as strong as possible for the showcase, and either the students or the coach team has decided that it’s best to give the group more time to prepare. The more individual practice and the more the group works as a team, the more often they will perform. There is also nothing wrong with repeating songs, as that is how you build stage presence and a strong repertoire.


Q: I feel as though my child is stronger than his/her bandmates.

A: Keep in mind that these are kids, and bands take dedication to be successful and sound good. If a child is a strong singer, it will be easier for them to learn their part than it will be for a guitar player or piano player. Patience is important and please remember this is a group setting with kids involved.

If you would like to have your child perform a solo at Kai-Chella with the professional musician coach team backing them up, you can sign up for that option at kailuamusicschool@gmail.com

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